F.A.K. Düren e.V. - Denn Pflege braucht Vertrauen

Herzlich Willkommen bei
F.A.K. e.V. Düren

...denn Pflege braucht Vertrauen!


Avendor comes with counter for your projects. Using the other shortcodes provided in the theme you can build alternatives for the counter as seen bellow.

Default Counters

{counter-text start="0" end="1000" speed="3000" refresh="50"}

Counters Block


Satisfied Clients

Winning Awards

Episodes Left

{counter-block start="0" end="1000" speed="3000" refresh="50" text="Text here"}

Counters with Icons

Projects Delivered

Satisfied Clients

Winning Awards

Episodes Left

{h2 align="text-center"}{icon-avendor name="video-2"}{/h2}
{h2 align="text-center"}{counter-text start="0" end="426" speed="4000" refresh="50"}{/h2}

Counters With Pie Charts

{pie-counter percent="88" barcolor="#f7505a" trackcolor="transparent" linewidth="40" scalecolor="false" start="0" end="129"}

Counters Within Text

Vestibulum eget massa in metus iaculis rutrum sed vitae massa. Phasellus eu mattis lectus, non tincidunt augue. Etiam et porttitor augue. Fusce quis dictum tortor. Curabitur imperdiet mauris nibh, vitae consectetur sem accumsan sed. Pellentesque nec neque eget risus suscipit consectetur congue auctor nulla. Suspendisse sagittis ante massa, ut laoreet augue posuere nec. Nam elit lacus, mollis quis mi vitae, tristique mattis est.

...denn Pflege braucht Vertrauen!